In Cancun, life revolves around the water, the gorgeous beaches, nightlife, luxurious resorts, parties out on the open sea, and amazing opportunities for fishing. Among all these exciting activities, deep seas fishing in Cancun offers fishing enthusiasts an adventure of a lifetime. The crystal clear water of the Caribbean offers plenty of action and even greater rewards. You can go after some of the most exotic fishes, not only in this part of the world, but across the planet, such as tuna, wahoo, king mackerel, mahi-mahi, sailfish, marlin, and many more. Here are the different types of methods that you can use in your deep sea fishing adventure in Cancun: · Trolling: Trolling is the fishing technique where you spread multiple lines in the water as you drive around. With multiple lines, you can get more bites, which makes it an effective method for enticing fish onto your bait. Here, you have to drag around the bait in a swimmin...